DRAMATIS PERSONE. ANGELS. SAMIASA. AZAZIEL. RAPHAEL, the Archangel. MEN. NOAH, and his Sons. IRAD. WOMEN. ANAH. AHOLIBAMAH. Chorus of Spirits of the Earth.-Chorus of Mortals. PART I. SCENE I. A woody and mountainous district near Mount Ararat.- Enter ANAH and AHOLIBAMAH. ANAH. OUR father sleeps: it is the hour when they Who love us are accustom'd to descend ་ Through the deep clouds o'er rocky Ararat :- My sister, though I love Azaziel more than-oh, too much! What was I going to say? my heart grows impious. AHOLIBAMAH. And where is the impiety of loving Celestial natures? ANAH. But, Aholibamah, I love our God less since his angel loved me : This cannot be of good; and though I know not Which are not ominous of right. AHOLIBAMAH. Then wed thee Unto some son of clay, and toil and spin! There's Japhet loves thee well, hath loved thee long; Marry, and bring forth dust! ANAH. I should have loved Azaziel not less were he mortal; yet I am glad he is not. I can not outlive him. Of the poor child of clay which so adored him His grief will be of ages, or at least Mine would be such for him, were I the Seraph, And he the perishable. AHOLIBAMAH. Rather say, That he will single forth some other daughter ANAH. And if it should be so, and she so loved him, AHOLIBAMAH. If I thought thus of Samiasa's love, All Seraph as he is, I'd spurn him from me. ANAH. Seraph! |